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LEAHN CFP, Inspector Crispen Marara Zimbabwe Republic Police HIV Conference

Report by Inspector Crispen Marara

Zimbabwe  Republic  Police ( ZRP) HIV  Conference  was  held  at  Montclair  Hotel  in  Nyanga  , Zimbabwe on 15-16  June 2016. The aim of conference was to review  HIV  policy  document  which  will enable  us  to  reduce  harm  in  the community  especially  to  the vulnerable  groups. The conference was attended by  54  ZRP officers , 1  representative from National AIDS Council & 1 representative from Ministry of Health & Child Welfare.

Crispen HIV Conference June 2016 2Country Focal Person , Inspector  Crispen Marara gave  an  opening  presentation  highlighting the objective of conference  which was  to  review HIV  policy.  Highlights  of  objectives  were  to  adopt  a  proactive  and  preventive  stance  towards  the  management  of  ill  health  among  employees  and  vulnerable  groups  ,  to  provide  an  enabling  environment  for  police  force  employees  and   vulnerable   groups  to  make  lifestyle  choices  that  are  beneficial  to  their  health  and  well-being  ,  to  provide  those  affected  by  ill  health  with  optimal  support  to  manage  their  conditions  in  a  confidential  manner  and  to  come  up  with  HIV  policy ( Wellness )  Committee  and  peer  educators ( wellness champions). LEAHN CFP , Inspector Marara  reiterated  that  HIV  and  its associated  opportunistic  infections  notably  Tuberculosis  are  a  national  challenge  and  as  such  the  police  force  is  committed  to  provision  of  comprehensive  HIV/TB  management  programme  that  focuses  on  , but  not  limited  to  the  following  interventions;

  • Health promotion  and  awareness  on  safe  lifestyles
  • Compliance to  national  guidelines
  • Voluntary counselling  and  testing  services
  • Provision of  treatment  &  monitoring  options  with  the  working  environment  as  outlined  in  the  HIV/TB  management  procedure
  • Establishment of  mutually  beneficial  partnership  with  public  &  private  organisations  involved  in  management  of  HIV/TB  at  district  ,  provincial  & national

In  closing  there  was  need   to  continue  partnering  with  various   stakeholders   such  as  Ministry Of  Health & National AIDS Council  to achieve our  goals.

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