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LEAHN and UNODC to host Professional Development Workshop at AIDS 2014 Conference, Melbourne


Not to be missed! LEAHN will be hosting a Professional Development Workshop at the 20th International AIDS Conference to be held in Melbourne in July, 2014. The workshop will be facilitated by Dr Nick Thomson (UNODC, Bangkok, Thailand) and former police officer and LEAHN Co-ordinator, Mr Greg Denham (Centre for Law Enforcement and Public Health). The title of the workshop is:

THE critical partnership for HIV prevention: building positive relationships with police to support civil society and HIV programmes.

Link to information on Professional Development Workshops at the 20th International AIDS Conference 2014, Melbourne, Australia

Workshop summary:

Police are the major and critical determinant of the risk environment for many people living with or vulnerable to HIV. While police behavior detrimental to HIV prevention and care programmes, and to the rights of key affected populations, has been extensively documented, until recently there has been little knowledge of how to work with police to change this – to move police from barriers to human rights and effective responses to facilitators, working in partnership with civil society and HIV programmes.

The Professional Development Workshop will address the question: How can we engage police in effective partnerships in the HIV response?

Learning objectives:

An increasing body of knowledge and experience exists about how to build better relationships, including recent workshops between police and civil society which we have jointly run in ten countries, and this workshop will capitalize on this growing experience to build capacity among civil society organizations and HIV programmes.

The workshop will provide an understanding of effective approaches which community, civil society and AIDS organizations can use in their local setting to improve relations with police and build ongoing, effective partnerships.

Make sure you come along and meet the LEAHN team!

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  • Brima Vonjo May 13, 2014, 11:51 am

    LEAHN is doing a good work and with the little knowledge in HIV and Public Health I wish to register our williness (SLP) to accepting any asistant towords the development of Public Health within the Sierra Leone Police (SLP)Force.

    • LEAHN Moderator May 13, 2014, 12:14 pm

      Thanks for your message. That’s great news. I think the Sierra Leone Police have a lot to offer for their community. Please send an email to Greg Denham directly on leahn@leahn.org. This is very happy news for him. All the best. Congratulations.

    • Greg Denham May 14, 2014, 7:51 am

      Dear Brima Vonjo – please email me at leahn@leahn.org so that we can discuss how your police force can become involved with LEAHN. Best wishes,
      Greg Denham
      LEAHN Coordinator

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